P.P. van Oostrum
Zuppeldseweg 89
8181 NE Heerde
The Netherlands
Phone +31-578-697818
Mobile +31-6-21860325
Email info@any-art.nl
ceiling and wall paintings
backdrops and set pieces
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wood, marble and structure
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ANY-ART has mastered the imitation of wood and marble. But we go a few steps further in this profession. We have developed a bark structure, based on waterborne materials, which can't be distinguished from real bark and is very durable. Imitation of existing marble in all its aspects is also possible, as well as various different types of wood.

But we can also adapt the marble structure to your interior, add a specific colour to match the marble perfectly to the interior of your home, shop, restaurant, pool, bathroom end so on. We can also make all kinds of stone imitations like sandstone, freestone, brick, granite etc.

If you want your cafe to get the look of an old English pub, ANY-ART is the right company for you, making things look old, so called "aging and patination" is a specialty of ANY-ART . If you have any questions about this subject feel free to contact us.

Tree in Showbizz-City (Click in image for detail).

Tree in Holland Casino Rotterdam (Click in image for detail).

Detail of bark structure.

American walnut imitation on mdf.

Jade green marble.

Cover of airco-unit in Holland Casino Rotterdam<./td>


Brick structure 1.

Brick structure 2.

Combination of Cherry and Walnut imitation.

Tree in bookshop in Papendrecht.

Crown of the tree in the book shop in Papendrecht.

Wood structure applied in metal frame parts of a Buick.

Wood structure applied on a metal frame for dashboard and sub frame of a Buick.

Close-up of wood structure applied on a metal frame for dashboard and sub frame of a Buick

Brick and Zinc structure applied in a 17th century canal house on Keizersgracht in Amsterdam.

Brick structure with 'Grisaille' applied in 17th century canal house on Keizersgracht in Amsterdam.

Structures applied on panelling and ceiling of the Coptic Cultural Centre in Amsterdam.

Panelling in Coptic Cultural Centre.

Ceiling in Coptic Cultural Centre.

Structure applied on waffle stall in Plopsaland.

Detail of waffle stall in Plopsaland.

Consoles with concrete structure NIKE ®.
Commisioned by Cramer en Looman.

'Tiles' with marble structure for restaurant 'Vuur' te Hilversum.
Click in image for next photo.

'Tiles' with marble structure for restaurant 'Vuur' te Hilversum.
Click in image for result on location.

'Tiles' with marble structure on the wall in restaurant 'Vuur' in Hilversum.
Click in image for first photo.

Imitation wood for the entree in Europa Park, Germany, i.c.w. NetEcht decors.
Click in image for next photo.

Imitation wood for the entree in Europa Park, Germany, i.c.w. NetEcht decors.
Click in image for first photo.

Rust imitation on hardboard door in
Europa Park, Germany, i.c.w. NetEcht decors.

Close-up from rust imitation.

Concrete imitation in Europa Park, Germany,
in association with NetEcht decors.

Concrete imitation in Europa Park, Germany,
in association with NetEcht decors.

Imitation wood at 'Chinese Take Away' in Europa Park, Germany, i.c.w. NetEcht Decors.
Click in image for close-up photo.

Close-up from 'Chinese Take Away' in Europa Park, Germany, in association with NetEcht Decors.
Click in image for overview.

Imitation brick wall, blue steel door and concrete wall with logo at Laudame Financials Rotterdam.
Commissioned by van Wijhe Iterieurs. Created in association with NetEcht Decors.
Click in image for close-up photo.

Detail of blue steel door.
Click in image for imitation concrete wall with company logo.

Imitation concrete wall with company logo.
Click in image for imitation brick wall.
Old wall
Created old wall in showroon of 'van Wijhe Interieurs'.
Click in image for next image.
Oude muur
Created old wall in showroon of 'van Wijhe Interieurs'.
Click in image for next image.
Oude muur
Created old wall in showroom of 'van Wijhe Interieurs'.
Click in image for first image.
Wood, Marble and Structures
You can click on many enlarged images to see details or more images of the same subject.



Het adres voor muurschilderingen, plafondschilderingen en decoratieschilderingen. Zoals de naam ANY-ART doet vermoeden, is bijna alles mogelijk. Door de 26-jaar ervaring als senior–decorateur/kunstschilder/decoratieschilder bij het toenmalige NOB-decor, is er bijna geen aspect in de creatieve sfeer wat niet door mijn handen gegaan is.Van kleine tekstbordjes voor een TV-quiz t/m zeer grote achterdoeken

(12m. x 24m.) voor een ballet of opera. Ik heb voor de meest uiteenlopende klanten gewerkt, van Euro-Disney t/m Bennie Jolink (Tour-Decors Normaal). Door deze brede ervaring, kan ANY-ART u een zeer uitgebreide keuze laten maken uit alle creatieve mogelijkheden, die er op kunst- en decoratief vlak zijn.Klik op GALLERY, voor een volledig overzicht.Zoekt u een unieke muurschildering, plafondschildering of decoratie voor uw bedrijf, (bedrijfs)restaurant, zwembad, partycentrum, of hotel. Misschien bent u op zoek naar een exclusieve wanddecoratie voor een kinderkamer, wilt u iemand een realistisch portret cadeau doen, in kleur of zwart/wit, of wilt u uw favoriete vakantie (landschaps)foto op die ene saaie binnen- of buitenmuur geschilderd hebben, neem dan geheel vrijblijvend contact op met ANY-ART en u zult versteld taan van de mogelijkheden. Immers uw droombeeld is onze werkelijkheid en passie!! U kunt ons bereiken per email, telefoon of door het invullen van het informatie aanvraag formulier.