P.P. van Oostrum
Zuppeldseweg 89
8181 NE Heerde
The Netherlands
Phone +31-578-697818
Mobile +31-6-21860325
Email info@any-art.nl
ceiling and wall paintings
backdrops and set pieces
portraits and paintings
decorated nurseries
airbrush technique
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In this gallery you can find all kind of decorations. This can be abstract but also classical paintings, but also funny 3D-objects, a piece of furniture, beautiful "Trompe L'oeil" panels or special decorations.

Are you looking for something in one of the styles shown or if you have a question, please contact ANY-ART.

If you have a picture of a priceless painting or a sample of a decoration for your room or office, ANY-ART can create it for you, affordable and in the right size.

Crazy bike for the  "Efteling"

Trompe L'oeil panel 1

Trompe L'oeil panel 2

Painting 1 Dutch America Shipping Company in Holland Casino Rotterdam (*)

Painting 1 Dutch America Shipping Company in Holland Casino Rotterdam (*)

Painting 2 Dutch America Shipping Company in Holland Casino Rotterdam (*)

Portraits from Mexico (*)

Portraits from Mexico detail 1 (*)

Portraits from Mexico detail 2 (*)

Parrots on swing doors in Holland Casino Eindhoven

Trompe L'oeil painting on closet doors in Holland Casino Rotterdam

Acrylic on canvas 175 x 120 cm., for the occasion of 75th anniversary fa. Bouw

Painted sales cart for organic butcher.

Side view of sales cart (*)

Front view of sales cart(*)

Painting on bottom part of a bar at "De Graaf Technisch Personeel" commissioned by Cramer en Looman decor.

Painting from Jan Altink restored for an auction.

Wall and ceiling decorations in a 16th century canal house, realized in co-operation with Bas Peeperkorn NetEcht decor.

Wall and ceiling decorations in a 16th century canal house, realized in co-operation with Bas Peeperkorn NetEcht decor.

Wall and ceiling decorations in a 16th century canal house, realized in co-operation with Bas Peeperkorn NetEcht decor.

'Union Jack' as book cabinet in Oss. Commissioned by Interieurbouw Apeldoorn.
Trompe l’oeil painting on panels 120cm. x 85cm.

Repainting/restoring of Pirates Carousel in Plopsaland

Detail of Pirates Carousel in Plopsaland

Concrete piles for IJsselmuiden Beton.
Commisioned by Cramer en Looman.

Close-up of top of concrete pile.

Various facades in showroom from van der Wal Zonwering in Hilversum. Commisioned by Cramer en Looman.
Click in image for second facade.

Various facades in showroom from van der Wal Zonwering in Hilversum. Commisioned by Cramer en Looman.
Click in image for third facade.

Various facades in showroom from van der Wal Zonwering in Hilversum. Commisioned by Cramer en Looman.
Click in image for forth facade.

Various facades in showroom from van der Wal Zonwering in Hilversum. Commisioned by Cramer en Looman.
Click in image for first facade.

Sign on door to restroom in the office of FIQAS Software B.V.
Click in image for next sign.

Sign on door to recreation room in the office of FIQAS Software B.V.
Click in image for next sign.

Sign on technical room in the office of FIQAS Software B.V.
Click in image for first sign.

Aged control panel in Europa Park in Germany, i.c.w. NetEcht Decors.

A little casket

Art in a little casket

Theme consignment for 'Open Atelier dagen Noord Oost Veluwe'. Won the first price!
venco sofa
Chocodrop Venco sofa, commisioned by Cramer & Looman
sales desk
Chocodrop Venco sales desk, commisioned by Cramer & Looman
Old wall
Created old wall with logo for the showroom of 'van Wijhe Interieurs'.
Click in image to see the original plain wall.
Original wall
Original plain wall in the showroom of 'van Wijhe Interieurs'.
Click in image to see next created old wall.
Original wall
Created old wall in de showroom of 'van Wijhe Interieurs'.
Click in image to see the original plain wall.
Original wall
Original plain wall in the showroom of 'van Wijhe Interieurs'.
Click in image to see the next created old wall.
Original wall
Created old wall in de showroom of 'van Wijhe Interieurs'.
Click in image to see the original plain wall.
Original wall
Original plain wall in the showroom of 'van Wijhe Interieurs'.
Click in image to see the next created old wall.
Bogenbrug in Kerstshow
Arch bridge, with a length of 21 meters, created for a Christmas show.
Click in image to see the arch bridge under construction.
Bogenbrug in aanbouw
Arch bridge under construction, made for a Christmas show.
Click in the image to see the completed arch bridge in the Christmas show.
Gevel voor een winkel in Christmas World Intratuin Duiven
Facade for a shop in Christmas World Intratuin Duiven.
Click in the image to see the next facade.
Gevel voor een winkel in Christmas World Intratuin Duiven
Facade for a shop in Christmas World Intratuin Duiven.
Click in the image to see the first facade.
Arches for the railway in Christmas World Intratuin Duiven.
Arches for the railway in Christmas World Intratuin Duiven.
Various subjects
You can click on many enlarged images to see details or more images of the same subject.



Het adres voor muurschilderingen, plafondschilderingen en decoratieschilderingen. Zoals de naam ANY-ART doet vermoeden, is bijna alles mogelijk. Door de 26-jaar ervaring als senior–decorateur/kunstschilder/decoratieschilder bij het toenmalige NOB-decor, is er bijna geen aspect in de creatieve sfeer wat niet door mijn handen gegaan is.Van kleine tekstbordjes voor een TV-quiz t/m zeer grote achterdoeken

(12m. x 24m.) voor een ballet of opera. Ik heb voor de meest uiteenlopende klanten gewerkt, van Euro-Disney t/m Bennie Jolink (Tour-Decors Normaal). Door deze brede ervaring, kan ANY-ART u een zeer uitgebreide keuze laten maken uit alle creatieve mogelijkheden, die er op kunst- en decoratief vlak zijn.Klik op GALLERY, voor een volledig overzicht.Zoekt u een unieke muurschildering, plafondschildering of decoratie voor uw bedrijf, (bedrijfs)restaurant, zwembad, partycentrum, of hotel. Misschien bent u op zoek naar een exclusieve wanddecoratie voor een kinderkamer, wilt u iemand een realistisch portret cadeau doen, in kleur of zwart/wit, of wilt u uw favoriete vakantie (landschaps)foto op die ene saaie binnen- of buitenmuur geschilderd hebben, neem dan geheel vrijblijvend contact op met ANY-ART en u zult versteld taan van de mogelijkheden. Immers uw droombeeld is onze werkelijkheid en passie!! U kunt ons bereiken per email, telefoon of door het invullen van het informatie aanvraag formulier.