P.P. van Oostrum
Zuppeldseweg 89
8181 NE Heerde
The Netherlands
Phone +31-578-697818
Mobile +31-6-21860325
Email info@any-art.nl
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Portraits and paintings are always well appreciated gifts. ANY-ART can realize such a gift for you. Based on pictures and an interview we decide which picture is best suited to realize the portrait or picture. The least posed pictures are often the best, so make many pictures of your pet, kid or loved one, digital or hardcopy can both be used.

If you like, ANY-ART can also make this pictures for a fair price. Your child, loved one, pet, friend or girlfriend, a jubilee, anything is possible in any size up to 2,5 meters! Portraits and paintings can be made with charcoal, crayon or acrylic paint. For an indication of the price see price list in the 'MAIN MENU'.

Acrylic paint on canvas 50cm. x 60cm.

Acrylic paint on canvas 1m. x 2m.
Acrylic paint on canvas dim. 1,00m. x 1,20m. (click in image for detailed view)
Managing Board Holland Casino
Commissioned by the Holland Casino Rotterdam

Detail portrait 1 (*)

Detail portrait 2 (*)

Acrylic paint on canvas 40cm. x 50cm.

Acrylic paint on canvas 40cm. x 50cm.

Crayon on ivory paper 20cm. x 30cm.

Acrylic paint on canvas 40cm. x 50cm.

Latex on paper 1,50m. x 1,50m.

Acrylic paint on canvas 40cm. x 40cm.
Nel's granddaughter, made in commission.

Acrylic paint on canvas 40cm. x 50cm.
Lydia's daughter, made in commission.

Acrylic paint on canvas f.o.o. 75th Anniversary fa. Bouw

Detail of portrait of mr. Bouw

Acrylic paint on canvas 120cm. x 80cm.

Acrylic paint on canvas 50cm. x 60cm.

Acrylic paint on canvas 24cm. x 30cm.

Acrylic paint on canvas 100cm. x 80cm., commission: 'View on Harderwijk'.

4 Sheep. Acrylic paint on canvas 100cm. x 80cm.

Acrylic paint on canvas 80cm. x 70cm.

Portraits of 4 Queens. Acrylic paint on cement in "Holland Pannenkoekenhuis"

Dilemma. Acrylic paint on canvas 3x 10cm.x10cm.

Boar. Acrylic paint on canvas 120cm. x 60cm.

Leghorns. Acrylic paint on canvas 20cm. x 60cm.

Ballerina. Acrylic paint on canvas 40cm. x 60cm.

Sheep. Acrylic paint on canvas 90cm. x 60cm.

Tis Melk Tied. Acrylic paint on canvas 40 cm. x 50 cm.

Ballerina. Acrylic paint on canvas 40cm. x 60cm.

Ballerina. Acrylic paint on canvas 40 cm. x 60 cm.

Wood mouse. Acrylic paint on canvas 13 cm. x 18 cm.

Mother and Child. Acrylic paint on canvas 20 cm. x 20 cm.

Naughty before. Acrylic paint on canvas 50 cm. x 50 cm.

Naughty after. Acrylic paint on canvas 50 cm. x 50 cm.

Rushed. Acrylic paint on canvas 50 cm. x 70 cm.

Similar battle. Acrylic paint on canvas 60 cm. x 120 cm.

Question. Acrylic paint on canvas 23 cm. x 36 cm.

Spot on the Veluwe. Acrylic paint on canvas 30 cm. x 40 cm.

View. Acrylic paint on canvas 40 cm. x 50 cm.

In love. Acrylic paint on canvas 50 cm. x 60 cm.

Family portrait. Acrylic paint on canvas 50 cm. x 23 cm.

Sheep fold 10-09-2012 20:45. Acrylic paint on canvas 50 cm. x 20 cm.

Robin. Acrylic paint on canvas 13 cm. x 18 cm.

'Pluizenmeer' in Heerde. Acrylic paint on canvas 30 cm. x 40 cm.

Ballerina. Acrylic paint on canvas 210 cm. x 145 cm.

Portrait in commission. Acrylic paint on canvas 30 cm. x 40 cm.

Peekaboo. Acrylic paint on panel.

Sheepfold and fen. Acrylic paint and cement on panel 50cm. x 40cm.

The Morning. Acrylic paint and cement on panel 40cm. x 50cm.

Forest path 'Zwolse Bos'. Acrylic paint on panel 15cm. x 21cm.

Quietness. Acrylic paint on canvas 50cm. x 40cm.
Encounter. Acrylic paint on stucco 2 x 60cm. x 120cm.

Stone Owl. Acrylic paint and cement on canvas 20cm. x 20cm.

Lich Owl. Acrylic paint and cement on canvas 20cm. x 20cm.

Eagle-Owl. Acrylic paint and cement on canvas 20cm. x 20cm.
Singing lessons. Acrylic paint on canvas 2 x 20cm. x 20cm.

Woodpecker. Acrylic paint on canvas 20cm. x 30cm.

Hedgehoc. Acrylic paint on canvas 20cm. x 20cm.

'Ga van mijn fietspad'. Acrylic paint on canvas 60cm. x 30cm.
1stprice theme 'Bycicle' Open-Atelier Dagen Noordoost-Veluwe 2014

Allert. Acrylic paint on canvas 30cm. x 40cm.
'Kwik, Kwaak en Kwek'. Acrylic paint on panel 14cm. x 14cm.

'Wilde varkenshaas'. Acrylic paint on panel 36cm.

'Zo'n mo(oi)ment'. Acrylic paint on canvas 25cm. x 75cm.

Curious. Acrylic paint on canvas 25cm. x 60cm.

Dominant aunt. Acrylic paint on canvas 50cm. x 60cm.

'Edeljachtbare'. Acrylic paint on canvas 50cm. x 60cm.
Waterland. 2 pcs. 60cm. x 120cm.

Anniversary gift for Burgers BV in Wijchen. Acylic paint on canvas 150cm. x 120cm.
Click in image for detail.

Detail of anniversary gift for Burgers BV in Wijchen.
Click in image for full picture.

Vincent van Gogh. Acrylic paint on canvas 39cm. x 34cm.
Commissioned by the Dutch Opera / il Viaggio a Reims.

"Son of Man" by Magritte. Acrylic paint on canvas 135cm x 94,5cm.
Commissioned by the Dutch Opera / il Viaggio a Reims.

"Son of Man" by Malgritte unframed.

Close-up of "Son of Man" by Malgritte.
Commissioned by the Dutch Opera / il Viaggio a Reims.

'The Dutchess of Alba' by Francisco Goya. Acrylic paint on canvas 240cm. x 162cm.
Commissioned by the Dutch Opera / il Viaggio a Reims.

Close-up of 'The Dutchess of Alba' by Francisco Goya.
Commissioned by the Dutch Opera / il Viaggio a Reims.

Close-up of 'The Dutchess of Alba' by Francisco Goya.
Commissioned by the Dutch Opera / il Viaggio a Reims.
Click in image for work in progress.

'Tokkin to me?'. Acrylic paint on canvas 20cm. x 60cm.

Commissioned portraits. Acrylic paint on canvas 2 times 80cm. x 100cm.
Click in image for close-up's.

Click in image for framed painting.

Click in image for framed painting.

Final result in frame.
Click in image for painting on easel.

Final result in frame.
Click in image for painting on easel.

Painting from Salvador Dali. Commissioned by Madame Toussaud in Amsterdam.

Finally the Scottish philosopher Adam Smith has moved to 'his' Adam Smith Building in Amsterdam.
A warm portrait in a 'cool' environment
Acrylic paint op canvas 400cm. x 350cm. Commissioned by West Investments Germany
Finally the Scottish philosopher Adam Smith has moved to 'his' Adam Smith Building in Amsterdam.
A warm portrait in a 'cool' environment
Acrylic paint op canvas 400cm. x 350cm. Commissioned by West Investments Germany

Private commission. Portrait in acrylic paint op panel 1.5m. x 2.5m.

Sunflower. Acrylic paint on canvas 1m. x 1m.

Golden forest. Acrylic paint on canvas 50cm. x 40cm.

Portrait in commission. Acrylic paint on canvas 50cm. x 60cm.
Click in image detail.

Portrait in commission. Acrylic paint on canvas 50cm. x 60cm.
Click in image for complete portrait.

Sorry? Acrylic paint on canvas 80cm. x 80cm.

Dolts. Acrylic paint on canvas 30cm. x 24cm.
Not for sale.

Nice couple. Acrylic paint on canvas 90cm. x 60cm.

Chicken soap. Acrylic paint on canvas 80cm. x 40cm.

'Smart bird' Acrylic paint on canvas 30cm. x 24cm.

Not again! Acrylic paint on canvas 80cm. x 60cm.

Barn Owl. Acrylcement op doek 20cm. x 20cm.

Frog. Acrylic paint on canvas 80cm. x 80cm.

Pond 'Dreefseweg'
Acrylic paint on canvas 30 cm. x 40 cm.

Path in 'De Dellen'.
Acrylic paint on canvas 30 cm. x 40 cm.

Piglet chemistry. Acrylic paint om canvas 30cm. x 40cm.

Stylized portrait in acrylic paint on a wooden panel, commissioned by EDIT-ALL.
Click im image to continue.
Stylized portrait in acrylic paint on a wooden panel, commissioned by EDIT-ALL.
Click in images for work in progress

Painting with acrylic paint on a wooden panel for the main office of PME, commissioned by EDIT-ALL.
Click in image for detail.

Detail of painting with acrylic paint on a wooden panel for the main office of PME, commissioned by EDIT-ALL.
Click in image for next detail.

Detail of painting with acrylic paint on a wooden panel for the main office of PME, commissioned by EDIT-ALL.
Click in image for work in progress.

Painting for the occasion of the 50th anniversary of firma Raamsman in Raalte. Acrylyc paint on canvas, 80 cm. x 160 cm.

The life of Jan.
Acrylic paint on canvas 60 cm. x 40 cm.

Acrylic paint om canvas 60 cm. x 40 cm.

Godwits. Acrylic paint on canvas 80 cm. x 60 cm.

Dog. Acrylic paint on canvas 40 cm. x 50 cm.

Birds of prey. Acrylic paint on canvas 80 cm. x 60 cm.

Historic sculpture from Indonesia.
Portraits and Paintings
You can click on many enlarged images to see details or more images of the same subject.



Het adres voor muurschilderingen, plafondschilderingen en decoratieschilderingen. Zoals de naam ANY-ART doet vermoeden, is bijna alles mogelijk. Door de 26-jaar ervaring als senior–decorateur/kunstschilder/decoratieschilder bij het toenmalige NOB-decor, is er bijna geen aspect in de creatieve sfeer wat niet door mijn handen gegaan is.Van kleine tekstbordjes voor een TV-quiz t/m zeer grote achterdoeken

(12m. x 24m.) voor een ballet of opera. Ik heb voor de meest uiteenlopende klanten gewerkt, van Euro-Disney t/m Bennie Jolink (Tour-Decors Normaal). Door deze brede ervaring, kan ANY-ART u een zeer uitgebreide keuze laten maken uit alle creatieve mogelijkheden, die er op kunst- en decoratief vlak zijn.Klik op GALLERY, voor een volledig overzicht.Zoekt u een unieke muurschildering, plafondschildering of decoratie voor uw bedrijf, (bedrijfs)restaurant, zwembad, partycentrum, of hotel. Misschien bent u op zoek naar een exclusieve wanddecoratie voor een kinderkamer, wilt u iemand een realistisch portret cadeau doen, in kleur of zwart/wit, of wilt u uw favoriete vakantie (landschaps)foto op die ene saaie binnen- of buitenmuur geschilderd hebben, neem dan geheel vrijblijvend contact op met ANY-ART en u zult versteld taan van de mogelijkheden. Immers uw droombeeld is onze werkelijkheid en passie!! U kunt ons bereiken per email, telefoon of door het invullen van het informatie aanvraag formulier.